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Empowering 10,000 new climate innovators by 2030!

Our partner Donor Money has graciously provided matching $ for the next $15K  in donations.  Use the yellow button here to make your donation go twice as far!


Innovators Supported



Potential Impact 

Supporting the next 1000 Greta Thunbergs.

Join 1000 Gretas today in taking action to amplify the next generation of climate startups.

Meet our Gretas

Discover the incredible work our Gretas do everyday from every corner of the Earth.

Who we are

Inspired by the courage of Greta Thurnberg, we realized that there are thousands of leaders out there whose impact is unrealized due to lack of funding. Our mission is to discover and amplify the next generation of leaders.

Although 1000 Gretas is not directly affiliated with Greta Thunberg, we draw inspiration from Greta's dedication and passion for climate action. Learn More

We Have over 100 Accelerator and VC partners


Make a contribution

"Your donation makes an outsized impact -at the beginning of a Greta’s journey, every dollar matters."

How It Works 

  1. Give once or monthly  

  2. Receive Impact Reports on the difference you are making & the success of each Grantee 

  3.  Increase your Impact - Apply to become a voting member

  • Receive monthly climate-related updates from our in-house subject matter experts.

  • Every donation enjoys the tax benefits of any standard 501(c)(3)

Thank you.


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